Section Name( Length=0, Offset=0,
BeginMarker=0, EndMarker=0 )
Offset= A // Абсолютное смещение
Offset= +A // Смещение вперед
Offset= -A // Смещение назад
Read ( Length=0, Offset=0,
BeginMarker=0, EndMarker=0 )
Section ID3_Header( Offset=0, BeginMarker="ID3" )
Version = Read(1);
Revision = Read(1);
Flags = Read(1);
ID3Size = Read(4);
if (Flags[6])
Section ID3_ExtHeader()
ExtSize = Read(4);
ExtFlags = Read(2);
SizeOfPadding = Read(4);
ID3Size -= (10+ExtSize);
Section Frames(Size=ID3Size)
Section Frame_Header(Size=10)
Frame_ID = Read(4);
Frame_Size = Read(4);
Status = Read(1);
Enc = Read(1);
Switch (Frame_ID)
case "UFID": Frame_UFID(Frame_Size);
case "TIT2": Frame_TIT2(Frame_Size);
default: Skip(Frame_Size);
function ReadID3String(Enc)
if (Enc==0x01) return ReadUnicodeString();
else return ReadString();
//Unique file identifier
function Frame_UFID(Frame_Size)
Section (Size=Frame_Size)
Owner_Identifier = ReadString();
Identifier = Read( Frame_Size-SizeOf(Owner_Identifier) );
//The 'Title/Songname/Content description' frame is the actual name of the piece (e.g. "Adagio", "Hurricane Donna").
function Frame_TIT2(Frame_Size)
Section (Size=Frame_Size)
Text_Enc = Read(1);
Title2 = ReadID3String(Text_Enc);
Section Name( Length=0, Offset=0,
BeginMarker=0, EndMarker=0 )
Offset= A // Абсолютное смещение
Offset= +A // Смещение вперед
Offset= -A // Смещение назад
Read ( Length=0, Offset=0,
BeginMarker=0, EndMarker=0 )
Section APP1( Offset=0x02, BeginMarker=0xFFE1 )
// APP1Length = Read(Length=2);
APP1Length = Read(2);
Identifier = Read(5);
Section APP1_Body(Offset=+1, Size=APP1Length-8)
ByteOrder = Read(2);
IFD0_Offset = Read(4, Offset=4);
Section IFD0(Offset=IFD0_Offset)
NumberOfInteroperability = Read(2);
FillParam( Read(Param) );
NextIFDOffset = Read(2);
Section ExifIFD(Offset=ExifIFDPointer)
structure Param
function GetValue(Param)
case 0x0200: return ReadString(Offset=Param.ValueOrOffset);
case 0x0500: return Read(8, Offset=Param.ValueOrOffset);
case 0x0300: return Param.ValueOrOffset;
case 0x0400: return Param.ValueOrOffset;
function FillParam(Param)
switch (Param.Tag)
case 0x0E01: ImageDescription = GetValue(Param);
case 0x0F01: Make = GetValue(Param);
case 0x1001: Model = GetValue(Param);
case 0x1201: Orientation = GetValue(Param);
case 0x1A01: XResolution = GetValue(Param);
case 0x1B01: YResolution = GetValue(Param);
case 0x2801: ResolutionUnit = GetValue(Param);
case 0x3201: DateTime = GetValue(Param);
case 0x1302: YCbCrPositioning = GetValue(Param);
case 0x9882: CopyRight = GetValue(Param);
case 0x6987: ExifIFDPointer = GetValue(Param);
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